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Download limit exceeded





Your unique download ID has either expired or been compromised.

We aren’t blaming you though!

Please email us at the appropriate address regarding the reward download that isn’t working and we’ll get you another one.


Wallpaper Pack

Barkley 2 Soundtrack Preview

Chef’s Music Pack

Vidcon Pack


Be sure to include the email address you pledged from and whether is was Kickstarter or PayPal.



Posted 11 years ago

Kickstarter Success and PayPal ending soon!

ToGsters, gather round,

It’s been a few days since our Kickstarter campaign came to a close and we are really excited about continuing work on putting this vidcon together.

Offal is hard at work coding some of the deeper systems in the game.  Konix is working on HUD, and all the goodies that will be staring back at you.  Frankie is still polishing the popular Vidcon Pack, sprinkling bits of incredible Canadian pixel animations throughout the 20+ games.  Bort and Chef are drawing up maps, discussing formulas, and bleeding out of their ears.  Bhroom is laying in a pile of money, laughing maniacally.

We’re also going to be shutting down our order page soon; just for a bit until we can shave off the pledges that won’t be available forever.

Lets talk about the rewards:

Once we get the money and orders complete and locked in, we’ll be able to order the Cyberdwarf Pillow Cases and get them shipped out to everyone hopefully by early February.  You’ll know you’ve received your Cyberdwarf pillow by the warmth of his scrumptious applebottom melting the snow on the top of your mailbox.

Links to the Vidcon and Music Packs should be emailed out around that time as well.

Now for the real deal, Barkley 2, we are shooting for a Q4 2013 or Q1 2014 release.  We’ll have PC and Mac ports for the game, both will be available for every backer, so no need to send us your preference.  This is also when the Art Book and the OST (digital download) will be released.

We want to thank everyone again for blowing away our every expectation. You all are amazing and we are looking forward to spending the next year working on this ridiculous vidcon.

Semper Games,


Posted 11 years ago